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This page was last updated: August 16, 2012
The Whore of Babylon
The EL AL 737 broke through the overcast sky at about three thousand feet. Dead ahead, the end of the runway emerged through the haze. Skid marks from countless landings produced a blackened welcome mat and with full flaps extended, the sleek jet settled in. Down the runway it rolled, engines screaming as the co-pilot reversed thrust to bleed off some speed. Reverberating off the surrounding buildings, the roar of the engines magically ceased as the plane swung around toward the tarmac and waiting crowd.
For several days Andrews Air Force Base had been a busy place. Preparations were apparently underway to welcome an important dignitary. Even as the plane rolled into place the reception committee was running about making sure everything was ready. Then with a push, the red carpet uncoiled itself, collapsing into its accustomed place. ABC, CBS, NBC and their cable counterparts had their technicians and equipment ready. Behind the fence, a noisy crowd of several hundred seemed anxious to welcome someone important.
Reacting to an intentional news leak from the White House, CBS rushed Scott Pelley into a limo and out to the field. Who had President Obama flown in, and for what reason? And what about the large enthusiastic crowd that seemed to materialize out of nowhere? What was going on? The media, feeling a little betrayed by the late notice were there to figure that out.
With the stairs rolled into place, the jet's side door shuddered and slowly opened, but no one appeared in the opening. A secret service agent leaned against the stairs and lit a cigarette. Then a small, solitary figure emerged from the blackness. He stood for a moment, shielded his eyes and slowly made his way down the steps. President and Mrs. Obama stepped forward with hands extended. CNN caught the first words exchanged. “Hosea, welcome to America,” said President Obama. Mrs. Obama jumped in, “I was hoping to meet your wife, Gomer. Did she make the trip?”
Hosea in excellent English replied, “Thank you Mr. President. I am delighted to be in America.” Turning to the First Lady, he answered, “Gomer was occupied with her duties and could not make the trip, but I appreciate your thinking of her. She would be pleased.”
The President gently nudged the old man toward a podium sprouting with microphones. From a pocket deep inside his ankle length robe Hosea removed a wrinkled, hand written greeting. The paper looked unusually old, like some kind of handmade parchment. He began:
President Obama, Mrs. Obama, Treasury Secretary Geithner, Senator McCain,
Representative Paul, ladies and gentlemen, I bring greetings from the ancient
Israeli people. As you know, both our nations face similar social and economic
problems. We also confront common enemies in an increasingly dangerous world.
I have been summoned to consult with your leaders on these and other matters.
I trust that solutions benefiting both nations will result. Thank you for such a
warm expression of friendship on this crisp, autumn day, and may God bless